Translation for "it concerned" to german
Translation examples
But this was not his concern.
Doch das betraf ihn nicht.
But as far as the book was concerned
Doch was das Buch betraf ...
Did it concern a woman?
Betraf es eine Frau?
One concerned Tournai.
Eine betraf Tournai.
And as far as Susan was concerned
Und was Susanne betraf
The other concerned Francis and myself.
Die andere betraf Franz und mich selbst.
The third concerned Cymoril.
Die dritte betraf Cymoril.
None of it concerned Thorn.
Nichts davon betraf Dorn.
And as far as his doting father concerned, it was.
Und was seinen vernarrten Vater betraf, war es das auch.
A security problem where it concerned the manual.
Ein Sicherheitsproblem, was das Handbuch betraf.
Anything that concerns my brother concerns me.
Alles, was meinen Bruder betrifft, betrifft auch mich.
"If it concerns Will, it concerns me," Jem said.
»Wenn es Will betrifft, betrifft es auch mich«, erwiderte Jem.
This is not your concern.
Das hier betrifft Euch nicht.
“This concerns you.”
»Das betrifft euch.«
This does not concern you.
Dies betrifft nicht Euch.
Our concern, if you wilL
Betrifft uns, wenn Sie wollen.
Nothing that concerns you.
Nichts, was dich betrifft.
That does not concern me.
Das betrifft mich nicht.
“It does not concern you.”
»Es ist nichts, was dich betrifft
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