Translation for "help on advice" to german
Translation examples
The author would like to thank Chuck Fadel, Jorma Kaukonen, Russell Timothy Miller, Alan Arkawy and Jim Perry for their help and advice.
Danksagung Der Autor möchte sich bei Chuck Fadel, Jorma Kaukonen, Russell Timothy Miller, Alan Arkawy und Jim Perry für ihre Hilfe und Ratschläge bedanken.
fifty years later in Margareta Strömstedt’s biography when she discussed the help and advice she got from the women at Tidevarvet, which may not have been as serendipitous as Astrid made it sound: “I happened to read in a newspaper about a lawyer called Eva Andén, and it turned out she was committed to supporting women who needed help in word and deed.”
Die Formulierung »mit Rat und Tat« wiederholte Astrid Lindgren in Margareta Strömstedts Biografie, als sie von der Hilfe und Beratung erzählte, die sie von den Tidevarvet-Frauen bekommen hatte.
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