Translation for "goatfishes" to german
Translation examples
Starry ray, rainbow smelt, sturgeon, herring, sardine, sea trout, eel, cod, hake, threebearded rockling, John Dory, mullet, red goatfish, thicklip grey mullet, Atlantic bonito, swordfish, ocean perch, Norway red-fish, American plaice, lumpsucker, dab, rock sole, Atlantic saury—the apartment is teeming with fish.
Sternrochen, Regenbogen-Stint, Stör, Hering, Sardine, Meerforelle, Aal, Dorsch, Wittling, Dreibärtelige Seequappe, Petersfisch, Gestreifte Meerbarbe, Meeräsche, Dicklippige Meeräsche, Echter Bonito, Schwertfisch, Großer Rotbarsch, Kleiner Rotbarsch, Zwergbutt, Seehase, Rotzunge, Falsche Rotzunge, Makrelenhecht – die Wohnung wimmelte von Fischen.
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