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Translation examples
Women prefer the anecdotal, men the deductive.
Frauen bevorzugen das Anekdotische, Männer das Deduktive.
Its deductive method was holistic, totalizing and inconstant.
Ihre deduktive Methode war holistisch, verallgemeinernd und inkonsistent.
The engineer nodded, as if he was approving Senka’s efforts at deduction.
Der Ingenieur nickte, als billige er Senkas deduktive Anstrengungen.
To do so requires a certain amount of ratiocination, of deductive reasoning.
Das erfordert ein gewisses Maß an Reflexion, an deduktivem Denken.
System Watson wants to run away into the world of the subjective, the hypothetical, the deductive.
System Watson will in die Welt des Subjektiven, des Hypothetischen, des Deduktiven entfliehen.
My deductive Go-for-It Detective mind decided that, perhaps, nobody was at home.
Mein deduktives Was-haben-wir-denn-hier-Detektivgehirn kam zu dem Schluß, daß vielleicht niemand zu Hause war.
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