Translation for "damagement" to german
Translation examples
There was very little damage.
»Die Beschädigungen waren sehr gering.«
The damage was only temporary.
Die Beschädigung war nur eine temporäre.
You mean the damage done to the wall?
Sie meinen die Beschädigung der Mauer?
no obvious signs of damage.
Keine Anzeichen äußerer Beschädigung.
Because of the damage to the bar.
Wegen der Beschädigungen in dem Lokal.
Tissue loss or damage.
Verlust oder Beschädigung von Gewebe.
“Moderate damage to the compartment doors.”
»Mäßige Beschädigung an den Stauraumklappen.«
Damage isn’t for its own sake.
Die Beschädigung geschieht nicht um ihrer selbst willen.
What if the damage extends beyond the physical?
Was, wenn die Beschädigung über das Physische hin­ausgeht?
In those two years Frank served as first lieutenant and damage control assistant.
In den beiden Jahren arbeitete Frank als Operations Officer und Damage Control Assistant (Schiffssicherungsoffizier).
It is entitled: “A Method of Estimating Plane Vulnerability Based on Damage of Survivors.”16
Der Titel lautet: ›A Method of Estimating Plane Vulnerability Based on Damage of Survivors‹.[45]
up to 20 percent: Hsiang, “Estimating Economic Damage from Climate Change,”
497 Hsiang, »Estimating Economic Damage from Climate Change«,
growth consequences of some scenarios: Marshall Burke et al., “Large Potential Reduction in Economic Damages Under U.N.
500 Marshall Burke et al., »Large Potential Reduction in Economic Damages Under U.
my description of the fictional version overlaps with my account of Krajewska’s actual work in “Damage Control,” an essay that appeared in Harper’s Magazine.
meine Schilderung der fiktiven Version überschneidet sich mit meinem Bericht über Krajewskas Arbeit in «Damage Control», einem Essay, der in Harper’s Magazine erschienen ist.
about one percentage point: Solomon Hsiang et al., “Estimating Economic Damage from Climate Change in the United States,” Science 356, no.
[zurück] 480 Solomon Hsiang et al., »Estimating Economic Damage from Climate Change in the United States«, Science 356, Nr.
$14 trillion a year: Svetlana Jevrejeva et al., “Flood Damage Costs Under the Sea Level Rise with Warming of 1.5 °C and 2 °C,” Environmental Research Letters 13, no.
209 Svetlana Jevrejeva et al., »Flood Damage Costs Under the Sea Level Rise with Warming of 1.5°C and 2°C«, Environmental Research Letters 13, Nr.
1362–69, $20 trillion richer: Marshall Burke et al., “Large Potential Reduction in Economic Damages Under UN Mitigation Targets,” Nature 557 (May 2018): pp.
100 Marshall Burke et al., »Large Potential Reduction in Economic Damages Under UN Mitigation Targets«, Nature 557, Mai 2018, S. 549–553,
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