Translation for "cowardlier" to german
Translation examples
“That’s not cowardly?”
»Und das ist nicht feige
He was too cowardly.
Dazu war er zu feige.
They could not be cowardly.
Sie durften nicht feige sein.
“That seems cowardly.”
»Das erscheint mir feige
Cowardly and ruthless.
Feige und skrupellos.
Appalling and cowardly.
Entsetzlich und feige.
I'm far too cowardly for that."
Dazu bin ich viel zu feige.
Because I was too cowardly.
Weil ich zu feige war.
Those cowardly fucks!
Diese feigen Scheißkerle!
Vampires are cowardly creatures!
Vampire sind feige!
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