Translation for "confinement to bed" to german
Confinement to bed
Translation examples
And shortly after that he threw the blameless little sign into the stove, watching with grim enjoyment as it was consumed by the flames. The threat had such a lasting effect that to this day he has never again had to be confined to bed.
Und kurze Zeit darauf hat er das unschuldige Schildchen in den Ofen gesteckt, hat seine grimmige Freude daran gehabt, wie es in den Flammen spurlos vergangen ist, die Drohung hat so nachhaltig gewirkt, daß er bis auf den Tag von jeder Bettlägerigkeit verschont blieb.
The Puerto Rican was unsteady from weeks of confinement to bed and, of course, his hands were crippled, so it was hard to distinguish inaccuracy from intent, but Frans had the impression that Sandoz could have nailed Danny to the wall if he’d felt like it.
Der Puertoricaner war nach den Wochen der Bettlägerigkeit natürlich instabil, seine Hände waren verkrüppelt, und deswegen war es schwer, Ungenauigkeit von Absicht zu unterscheiden, doch Frans hatte den Eindruck, daß es Sandoz durchaus gelungen wäre, Danny an die Wand zu nageln, wenn er es nur gewollt hätte.
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