Translation for "collegers" to german
Translation examples
Animals, the president, college kids.
Die Tiere, die Präsidentin, die College-Studenten.
A bunch of college kids with no experience of life.
Eine Horde College-Studenten ohne jede Lebenserfahrung.
College boys in red-and-black-striped rugby shirts.
College-Studenten in rotschwarzgestreiften Rugbyhemden.
I shouldn’t think that would be too much for college students.”
Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass das für College-Studenten zu viel sein sollte.
Anson was a rich, white college student.
Anson war ein reicher weißer College-Student.
The National Guard had killed some college students.
Die Nationalgarde hatte ein paar College-Studenten getötet.
There were groups of college kids, that was to be expected.
Wie zu erwarten gab es etliche Gruppen von College-Studenten.
The first time, he had been as nervous as a college boy.
Beim ersten Mal war er so nervös wie ein College-Student gewesen.
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