Translation for "camelhair" to german
Translation examples
The young fellow was cheaply dressed—no camelhair and cashmere here.
Der junge Mann war billig gekleidet – weder in Kamelhaar noch in Kaschmir.
The blanket he covers himself with — genuine camelhair — was a Christmas present from his wife many years ago.
Die Decke aus echtem Kamelhaar, mit der er sich zudeckt, hat ihm seine Frau vor Jahren zu Weihnachten geschenkt.
Smith was clad in camelhair trousers, a fawn silk shirt and a fawn cashmere sweater: what the lord of the manor wears when he is at home, Carmine thought.
Smith trug Kamelhaar-Hosen, ein beiges Seidenhemd und einen beigen Kaschmirpullover.
I smelled camelhair and Chanel aftershave – Seawoll must have walked up behind me while I was feeling clever.
Ich roch Kamelhaar und Chanel-Aftershave – Seawoll musste sich unbemerkt an mich angeschlichen haben, während ich mir besonders clever vorkam.
He had bought himself an overcoat that was even louder than the last one, the kind of overcoat of which there probably aren’t even five in the whole town, a light-beige genuine camelhair coat.
Er hatte sich einen noch auffallenderen Mantel gekauft, einen Mantel, wie es deren nur fünf in der Stadt gab, hellbeige, aus echtem Kamelhaar.
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