Translation for "be at least at" to german
Translation examples
At least twenty, and those at least twenty-five arms long.
Mindestens zwanzig, und die mindestens fünfundzwanzig Armlängen lang.
At least that long.
Mindestens so lange.
A copilot, at least.
Mindestens einen Copiloten.
It was at least an hour.
Es war mindestens eine Stunde.
at least to twilight,
mindestens bis zur Dämmerung.
A month, at least.
Mindestens einen Monat.
For a year at least?
Für mindestens ein Jahr?
There are at least a hundred.
Es sind mindestens hundert.
At the least, this was intimidation.
Dies hier war mindestens Einschüchterung.
At least thirty, then.
Mindestens dreißig also.
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