Translation for "auls" to german
Translation examples
They are the Deep Elves, the friends of Aul?;
Dies sind die Tiefelben, die Freunde Aules;
and Aul? heard his voice and was silent.
und Aule hörte seine Stimme und war still.
Often they were guests in the halls of Aul?;
Oft waren sie in Aules Hallen zu Gast;
Mahal The name given to Aul? by the Dwarves.
Mahal Aules Name bei den Zwergen.
Then Aul? answered: 'I did not desire such lordship.
Da antwortete Aule: »Nicht solche Herrschaft begehrte ich.
The spouse of Aul? is Yavanna, the Giver of Fruits.
Aules Gemahlin ist Yavanna, die Spenderin der Früchte.
Illuin One of the Lamps of the Valar made by Aul?.
Illuin Eine der von Aule geschaffenen Leuchten der Valar.
Aul? has might little less than Ulmo.
Aule hat kaum weniger Macht als Ulmo.
'Nay,' he said, 'only the trees of Aul? will be tall enough.
»Nein«, sagte er, »nur Aules Bäume werden hoch genug sein.
Melkor was jealous of him, for Aul? was most like himself in thought and in powers;
Melkor war eifersüchtig auf ihn, denn ganz wie er selbst war Aule in Gedanken und Kräften;
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