Translation for "assailants" to german
Translation examples
So had the assailant.
So wie der Angreifer.
No sign of the assailant.
Vom Angreifer war nichts zu sehen.
The assailants, Signora.
Die Angreifer, Signora.
He targeted the assailant.
Er zielte auf den Angreifer.
Rowley was his assailant.
Rowley war sein Angreifer.
Mysterious assailant and so on.
Unbekannter Angreifer und so weiter.
His assailant came forward.
Der Angreifer trat vor.
And then her assailants had died.
Der Angreifer war gestorben.
How many assailants were there?
Wie viele Angreifer hatte er gegen sich?
How many assailed them?
»Wieviele Angreifer
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