Translation for "are and dealt with" to german
Translation examples
He's always dealt with us fairly.
Er hat uns immer fair behandelt.
That's dealt with by 6C, isn't it?
Den Teil behandelt 6C, nicht wahr?
Their treasure, too, was being dealt with in a like manner.
Ihre Reichtümer wurden ähnlich behandelt.
He had been fairly dealt with, squarely paid.
Man hatte ihn fair behandelt und pünktlich bezahlt.
There was disease as well as the wounds of battle to be dealt with.
Es gab nicht nur Kriegsverletzungen, die behandelt werden mussten, es brachen auch Seuchen aus.
She dealt with them as if they were two bold squirrels.
Sie behandelte die beiden wie zwei kühne Eichhörnchen.
He dealt with the act of suicide, but not with the ravaged human being inside me.
Er hatte die Selbstmordabsicht behandelt, aber nicht das zerrissene Menschenwesen in mir.
The subject that both had been skirting around now had to be dealt with.
Das Thema, das beide umgangen hatten, musste jetzt behandelt werden.
Your boyfriend dealt with Nick like he was an inanimate object.
Dein Freund hat Nick wie einen leblosen Gegenstand behandelt.
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