Translation for "whata" to french
Translation examples
- Whata pompous third-rate actor!
Quel cabotin pompeux !
Ready! Wescrewedthemover Whata show,guys!
C' est bon ! - On les a eus. - Quel spectacle, les enfants !
Whata bunch of blundering misfits !
Quelle bande de petits minables !
I wanna look him straight in the eye and tell him... ... whata cheap,lying,nogood , rotten, four-flushing... ... low-life,snake-licking,dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed...
Je le regarderai droit dans les yeux et lui dirai... quel sale minable, menteur, bidon, pourri... coprophage, taré congénital, gros plein-de-soupe... ignare, rapace, bâtard, imbécile, couille-molle, loquedu... sans coeur, gros cul, avare, coincé, vieux babouin... à tête pleine de vermine, sac de merde de singe il est!
Oh,whata pity.
Oh, quelle pitié.
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