Translation for "weighting" to french
Translation examples
In the autumn of 2008 the Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport will produce a memorandum on excess weight in which the prevention and treatment of excess weight and obesity are announced.
À l'automne 2008, le Ministre de la santé, de la protection sociale et du sport fera paraître, sur la surcharge pondérale, un mémorandum annonçant la prévention et le traitement de la surcharge pondérale et de l'obésité.
"(e) if it is presumed that the wagon/vehicle is overloaded, send the wagon/vehicle for a weight check;"
"e) s'il est présumé que le wagon/véhicule est surchargé, envoyer ce wagon/véhicule au contrôle du poids; "
The weight should be placed above the driven rear axle(s).
La surcharge devrait être placée au-dessus de l'essieu (ou des essieux) tiré(s).
The difference in obesity between boys and girls is not as great as the difference in excess weight.
Pour l'obésité, la différence entre garçons et filles n'est pas aussi grande que pour la surcharge pondérale.
This applies both to excess weight and obesity.
Ceci vaut pour la surcharge pondérale et l'obésité.
2.4.3 Weight: underweight - overweight
2.4.3 Poids: insuffisance pondérale - surcharge pondérale
Excess weight and obesity 90
Surcharge pondérale et obésité
With respect to excess weight and obesity there are significant differences between men and women.
En ce qui concerne la surcharge pondérale et l'obésité, il y a des différences sensibles entre hommes et femmes.
% of over weight
Surcharge pondérale (%)
With weighted tonnage, moving slowly?
Avec trop de surcharge, il avancera lentement.
We'll never sink under the weight of fish we been catching.
On coulera pas par surcharge!
Um, putting on a little weight there, huh, Chief?
Petite surcharge pondérale, Chef ?
No unnecessary weight, even though it's just a pound.
Pas de surcharge, même si c'est juste 500 grammes.
And it would've recorded the excess weight of the victim.
Enregistrant le poids de la victime en surcharge.
I just assumed it was post-wedding weight gain.
Je croyais que c'était juste une petite surcharge pondérale post-mariage.
What about added weight?
Et une surcharge ?
- I must eliminate excess weight.
- J'élimine la surcharge.
They're keeping the weight down.
Ils essayent de ne pas le surcharger.
Guys, we seem to be carrying a little extra weight.
Apparemment, on est en surcharge.
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