Translation for "very calmly" to french
Translation examples
He lays out the whole thing very calmly, very unemotionally, 'cause that's what you do in business.
Il explique ça très calmement, sans émotions, parce que c'est ce qu'on fait dans le monde des affaires
I am just going to talk to Paul very calmly.
Je vais parler à Paul très calmement.
Very calmly now, everybody stand clear, please.
Très calmement, tout le monde se lève.
Although I can look at him very calmly now, once he wakes up, will it be even more difficult to face him?
Bien qu'il ait l'air très calme maintenant, quand il se réveillera, ne sera-t-il pas plus difficile de le garder ?
No, he just took it very calmly.
Non, il est resté très calme.
I'm looking at you very calmly and I'm telling you that you have to go now.
Je te regarde très calmement et je te dis de partir. Et toi ?
Very calmly, try to close your eyes.
très calmement, essayes de fermer les yeux.
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