Translation for "three packages" to french
Translation examples
I've received these three packages,
J'ai reçu trois paquets.
We also intercepted the three packages you attempted to mail stateside.
Nous avons aussi intercepté les trois paquets que vous avez tenté d'envoyer par courrier.
He'll give you a key to a safety deposit box. In the box are three packages.
Il te donnera la clé ïun coffre-fort qui contient trois paquets.
And there are nine Cognacs left from the night before yesterday. And three packages of cigarettes and four mocha.
Il y a encore huit cognacs, trois paquets de cigarettes, et quatre mokas, d'avant hier
Four more drug dealers... three packages, contents unknown... two fugitives...
Quatre autres trafiquants de drogue... trois paquets, contenus inconnus... deux fugitifs...
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