Translation for "they think that is" to french
Translation examples
What do Latin American Children Think of the Family?, 1993
Que pensent les enfants latino—américains de la famille ?, 1993
His relatives think that he joined the maquis.
Ses proches pensent qu'il a rejoint le maquis.
This is what people think now.
C'est ce que les gens pensent maintenant.
If they think that nobody has noticed, they are mistaken.
Si ces représentants pensent que personne ne l'a remarqué, ils se trompent.
Our Governments, diplomats and politicians rarely think in such terms.
Nos gouvernements, nos diplomates et nos politiciens pensent rarement en ces termes.
Many people think that a single sign would be sufficient.
Beaucoup pensent qu’un seul signal devrait suffire.
Others think the issue is too divisive.
D'autres pensent que la question divise trop les États Membres.
Young people think differently.
Il y a des jeunes gens qui pensent différemment.
They think that it is still seven years.
Ils pensent qu'il est toujours de sept ans.
We have the Evangelical School that lamentably, so much is not sold because people, by some reason they create... seems to me that they think that is a manual of preaches at home.
Nous avons "L'école de l'Evangélisme", et malheureusement, celui-là ne se vend pas très bien parce que les gens, pour je ne sais quelle raison, je suppose qu'ils pensent que c'est un manuel de prêche à domicile.
They think that is the real work.
Ils pensent que c'est ça le vrai travail.
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