Translation for "that you" to french
Translation examples
That you, um, that you got him?
Que vous, euh, Que vous l'ayez attrapé ?
L was afraid that you... that you...
C'est vrai. J'avais peur que vous... Que vous...
That you admit.
Que vous cédiez.
that you know.
que vous connaissez.
That you disappear.
Que vous disparaissez.
That you... that you need a rest.
Que vous... que vous ayez besoin de repos.
That you face.
Que vous affronterez.
Oh, that you-- That you liked...
Oh, que tu... Que tu aimais...
It's good that you heard, that you know.
C'est bien que tu aies entendu, que tu saches.
That you could... that you see the dead?
Que tu pouvais... Que tu vois les morts ?
- That you exaggerate.
- Que tu exagères.
That you smoke.
Que tu fumes.
That you kissed, that you...
Que tu l'as embrassé, que tu...
- That you understand.
- Que tu comprends.
That you were...
Que tu étais...
That you kneel.
Que tu t'agenouilles.
So that you...
Pour que tu..
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