Translation for "seem absurd" to french
Translation examples
And though it seems absurd
Et bien que cela semble absurde
I'm aware that what I'm saying may seem absurd.
Je réalise que ce que dis peut sembler absurde.
Perhaps today they seem absurd but when you come to work for my company and hold a position of some responsibility well, when you're the one running this place you will realise that there exist two sets of morals:
Ça peut te sembler absurde mais quand tu rejoindras ma société... ..à un vrai poste de responsabilité... quand tu seras le patron ici, tu verras qu'il y a deux morales.
It seems absurd to me.
Ça me semble absurde.
It seems absurd, but there's something strange about all this.
ça semble absurde, mais il y a quelque chose d'étrange dans tout ça.
Of course, I understand that to you such considerations may seem absurd but it is essential for all of us that he take his place in society as his family has done for generations.
A vous, tout cela peut sembler absurde. Mais il est indispensable qu'il occupe sa place... comme l'a toujours fait sa famille.
Now, if this reality of inherent and perpetual inflation seems absurd and economically self defeating.
Maintenant, si cette réalité d'inflation inhérente et perpétuelle semble absurde et se mordre la queue économiquement, attendez un instant.
Even if it seems absurd, his illness will protect him from the others.
Même si cela semble absurde, sa maladie le protégera des autres.
On the surface, it seems absurd, but you look at the evidence and it starts to pile up pretty good.
À première vue, ça semble absurde, mais vous regardez les preuves ça commence à coïncider.
- lt seems absurd, but it had to be real.
Je sais que ça semble absurde. Mais c'était réel.
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