Translation for "roundings" to french
Translation examples
2004-2006 (%) % % (rounded) (rounded)
2004-2006 formule (montant arrondi) (montant arrondi)
1999 (%) 1999 (%) % % $ (rounded) $ (rounded) $
1999 des opérations de maintien arrondi) (montant arrondi)
budget scale group total grand total (rounded) (rounded)
répartition du coût des (montant arrondi) (montant arrondi)
Well, I always round up.
J'arrondis toujours.
I'm rounding up, all right?
J'arrondis ok ?
Round edges, tinted...
Bords arrondis, teinté.
We'll round down.
On va arrondir.
In round figures, zero.
Si j'arrondis, zéro.
- You can't keep rounding it up!
- Arrête d'arrondir!
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