Translation for "question-he" to french
Translation examples
So to answer your original question, he's not dead.
Pour répondre à ta question, il n'est pas mort.
For over 40 years. Beware of the questions he doesn't ask.
Méfiez vous des questions qu'il ne pose pas.
I ask him a question, he yells, so I don't ask.
Je pose une question, il hurle! J'en pose plus.
On the night in question, he was playing racquetball.
Pendant la nuit en question, il jouait à la racquettball.
Jenna, Kyle has a question he would like to ask you.
Jenna, Kyle a une question Qu'il voudrait te poser.
He's raising too many questions. He's too impossible.
Il soulève trop de questions, il est trop... improbable.
I ask a question, he hits me with the phone.
Je lui pose une question il attrape le téléphone...
Ask a question, he goes off on some tangent.
On lui pose une question, il biaise.
I was saying yes to a question he never asked.
Je répondais à une question qu'il n'a jamais posée.
All these questions he's been asking...
Toutes ces questions qu'il pose...
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