Translation for "police departments" to french
Translation examples
Migration authorities, police departments and related institutions.
Directions des migrations, services de police et autres instances concernées.
Mr. A.S. Suleiman, Head of the Police Department
M. A. S. Suleiman, Chef des services de police
Further, this summons was issued by the police department of the Nasimi district of Baku and endorsed by a stamp with No. 66, a number which does not correspond to that police department.
Qui plus est, cette convocation a été émise par le service de police du district de Nasimi à Bakou et validée par un timbre portant le numéro 66, chiffre qui ne correspond pas à celui de ce service de police.
Migration authorities and police departments.
Directions des migrations et services de police.
"Service or Policy" complaints are complaints regarding the policies, procedures and services provided by a municipal police department and affect the relationship between the police department and the community.
<<Service ou politique>> plaintes relatives aux politiques, à la procédure ou aux services fournis par un service de police municipale et qui ont une incidence sur la relation entre le service de police et la communauté.
1. Establishment of the Community Policing Department
1. Création d'un service de police de proximité
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