Translation for "played in school" to french
Played in school
Translation examples
24. The important role played by schools and teachers in terms of prevention, the identification of at-risk children or victims of violence and the support that is offered to them is taken into account, particularly through information brochures (such as Häusliche Gewalt − Was kann/muss die Schule tun (Domestic violence - What can/must schools do) in the cantons of Bern, Zurich and Thurgau).
Le rôle important joué par l'école et les enseignants dans la prévention, l'identification des enfants menacés ou victimes de violence et le soutien qui leur est apporté, est pris en compte notamment au moyen de brochures d'information (par exemple <<Häusliche Gewalt − Was kann/muss die Schule tun>> dans les cantons de Berne, Zurich et Thurgovie).
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