Translation for "pavulonization" to french
  • pavulonisation
Translation examples
I need some Pavulon.
Il me faut du Pavulon.
And some Pavulon.
Et du Pavulon.
- Corday's still waiting on that Pavulon. - Right.
Corday attend toujours son Pavulon.
Get Corday some Pavulon.
Amenez du Pavulon à Corday.
- Pavulon and sux.
- Pavulon et suxi.
- Get six of Pavulon.
- Donnez-lui 6 de Pavulon.
- Okay. Six of Pavulon.
- Bon. 6 mg de pavulon.
Dr. Lawrence says give him Pavulon.
Le Dr Lawrence conseille du Pavulon.
Six of Pavulon.
Six de Pavulon.
- Give the Pavulon a chance.
- Laisse le temps au Pavulon.
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