Translation for "overtaking" to french
Translation examples
C,13a “overtaking prohibited”, C,13b "overtaking by goods
routiers C,13a "interdiction de dépasser", C,13b "dépassement
prohibition of overtaking
interdiction de dépasser
Now he's overtaking us!
Il nous dépasse !
This evening, no overtaking.
- Ce soir, pas de dépassement.
Jai overdrive. Overtake him
Jai, dépasse-le !
You overtake the terminals.
Tu dépasses les bornes.
He's trying to overtake us!
Il veut nous dépasser !
That overtaking earlier...
Ce dépassement juste avant...
Able, you overtake the terminals.
Able, tu dépasses les bornes.
Fifty knots to overtake.
Cinquante nœuds à dépasser.
Just overtake him, you idiot.
Dépasse-le, imbécile.
We can overtake them?
Pourrons-nous les dépasser?
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