Translation for "of ground" to french
Of ground
Translation examples
on the ground
et l'aide sur le terrain
Realities on the ground
Les réalités sur le terrain
Grounds maintenance
Entretien du terrain
Situation on the ground
Situation sur le terrain
These things cover a lot of ground.
672)} Ces choses couvrent beaucoup de terrain.
Lot of ground to cover.
Beaucoup de terrain a couvrir.
This piece of ground.
Ce bout de terrain.
Covered a lot of ground.
On a couvert pas mal de terrain.
Got a lot of ground to cover.
Beaucoup de terrain à couvrir.
Still a lot of ground to cover.
Encore beaucoup de terrain à couvrir.
- That's a lot of ground to cover.
- C'est pas mal de terrain à couvrir.
Fashionable neighbourhood, six rooms, two acres of ground.
Six pièces, un hectare de terrain...
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