Translation for "little later on" to french
Little later on
Translation examples
You do. Right. Well, we'll talk about that and we'll tell you more about that a little later on.
Bon, on va en parler un peu plus tard.
Well, we can have that conversation a little later on at the white house.
Nous aurons cette conversation un peu plus tard à la Maison Blanche.
I'm gonna check you out a little later on, all right?
Je reviendrai te voir un peu plus tard, d'accord?
Oh, hey, Ruthie, Clyde Hodgkins wanted to come by a little later on.
Ruthie, Clyde Hodgkins veut passer un peu plus tard.
I'll try again a little later on.
J'essayerai encore un peu plus tard.
I'll autograph it for you a little later on.
Je te le dédicacerai un peu plus tard.
After that, a little later on me and the piano player, we got together and we were working on "Cherokee."
Après, un peu plus tard... le pianiste et moi, on s'est mis au travail... sur Cherokee.
We will, uh, explore the costume angle a little later on, but I think right now we should focus on our suspect pool.
On va, uh, explorer les angles du costume un peu plus tard, mais je pense que maintenant on devrait se concentrer sur nos suspects.
We'll talk a little later on, all right?
On parlera un peu plus tard, d'accord ?
So I know that a little later on this year you're going to have another one of those really swell presidential elections that you like so much.
Et je sais qu'un peu plus tard cette année vous allez avoir une autre de ces super élections présidentielles que vous aimées tant.
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