Translation for "is very kind" to french
Is very kind
Translation examples
The PRESIDENT (translated from French): Thank you, Mr. Ambassador, for your statement and for your words that were not only very kind, but also expressed in Hungarian.
Le PRESIDENT : Je vous remercie, Monsieur l'ambassadeur, de votre intervention et de vos mots très gentils, exprimés, qui plus est, en langue hongroise.
Yes, Mr. Barkley is very kind.
M. Barkley est très gentil.
Your mother is very kind.
Ta mère est très gentille.
This is very kind, My Lady.
- C'est très gentil, Madame.
Your Majesty is very kind.
Votre Majesté est très gentille.
It is very kind of you.
C'est très gentil à vous.
Well, thank you, that is very kind.
Merci. C'est très gentil.
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