Translation for "is still hot" to french
Is still hot
Translation examples
Some members of the security forces applied the still-hot barrel ends of their guns to their victims, inflicting terrible burns.
Certains éléments des forces de sécurité ont posé sur le corps de leurs victimes le bout du canon encore chaud de leur arme, causant une brûlure atroce.
This roach is still hot, smell it.
Ce joint est encore chaud. Sens-le.
The blood is still hot in his veins.
Ie sang est encore chaud dans ses veines.
The food is still hot.
C'est encore chaud.
Hold on, the gun is still hot.
Le flingue est encore chaud.
- The water is still hot.
- Sally, l'eau est encore chaude.
Mrs. Hudson, we shall turn dinner into supper, and we will follow up this clue while it is still hot.
Mme Hudson, nous remettrons le dîner pour plus tard, et nous suivrons cette piste pendant qu'elle est encore chaude !
The stove is still hot...
Le foyer est encore chaud.
The sauce is still hot, please check it.
La sauce est encore chaude, goûte...
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