Translation for "is abusive" to french
Translation examples
Abusive conduct
Comportement abusif
Abusive psychiatric incarcerations
Internements psychiatriques abusifs
Abuse of solvents.
79. Usage abusif de solvants.
- Abusive acts or behaviour
Actes ou comportements réputés abusifs
Abusive widowhood rites
Les rites abusifs du veuvage;
Unreasonable and abusive use of authority,
- Usage abusif et inconsidéré des attributs de
(h) Substance abuse
h) Usage abusif de certaines substances
That is abusive, yes.
C'est abusif, oui.
Seriously, this is abusive.
Sérieusement, c'est abusif.
An abuse of the right to make such communications;
ii) est abusive;
(b) An abuse of the right to make such communications;
b) Abusive;
B. Abusive practices
B. Pratiques abusives
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