Translation for "international financing" to french
International financing
Translation examples
You think he knows anything about international finance?
Il connaît la finance internationale ?
Few people can make international finance exciting - but you could.
Peu savent rendre excitants des cours de finance internationale. Mais toi, tu as réussi.
They needed Farsi speakers with experience in international finance.
Ils avaient besoin de gens qui parlent le Farsi avec une expérience en finance internationale.
And so, the Crimson Permanent Assurance was launched upon the high seas of international finance.
Les Assurances Crimson mirent ainsi le cap sur la haute mer de la finance internationale.
Page 27 in international Finance This is basic knowledge, people
C'est à la page 27 de "Finance Internationale", et c'est le B.A.-BA.
He started buying real estate in his early teens and seemed to have an almost preternatural understanding of international finance.
Il se lança dans l'immobilier dans sa petite adolescence et manifestait une compréhension quasi surnaturelle de la finance internationale.
Jay Housler, VP of international finance.
Jay Housler, vice-président responsable des finances internationales.
Well, okay. I teach a range of courses, from the international finance workshop that Sonia took to advanced Microeconomics.
J'enseigne pas mal de cours, de celui de finance internationale qu'a pris Sonia à la microéconomie avancée.
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