Translation for "he was polite" to french
He was polite
Translation examples
What the hell do you mean he was polite?
Comment ça, il était poli ?
Ada, he was not He was polite and kind, like a gentleman
Non, il était poli et gentil en simple gentleman.
He was polite enough... but I had the feeling I wasn't welcome, so I never went back.
Il était poli, mais je n'étais pas le bienvenu, alors je n'y suis jamais retourné.
He was polite and funny and...
Il était poli et drôle et...
He was polite, but only because he had to be.
Il était poli, mais seulement car il le devait.
He was polite on the phone. A little tense.
Il était poli et crispé au téléphone.
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