Translation for "he is so" to french
Translation examples
I know. He is so...
Il est tellement...
Oh, he is so white.
Il l'est tellement.
He is... so weird.
Il est ... tellement étrange.
He is so funny.
Il est tellement drôle.
He is so dreamy.
Il est tellement beau.
- He is so ugly!
- Il est tellement laid!
He is so interesting.
Il est si intéressant.
He is so nice.
Il est si mignon.
He is so special.
Il est si spécial.
He is so tragic!
Il est si pathétique !
He is so ridiculous. He is so jealous.
Il est si ridicule, il est si jaloux.
He is so impolite.
Il est si impoli.
- He is so hot.
- Il est si chaud.
He is so loving... he is so caring...
Il est si aimable.. Il est si prévenant..
He is so busy.
Il est si occupé.
He is so lucky.
Il est si chanceux.
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