Translation for "he he is" to french
Translation examples
He... he is insane. est dingue.
Yeah, he-he is.
Oui, il-il l'est.
He... he is a cook.
Il... il est cuisinier.
Il, il n'est pas fou He, He is not crazy
Il, il n'est pas fou
He- he is just- he has this dog and he just sits in this old chair...
Il... Il est juste... Il a un chien et il s'assied dans cette vieille chaise...
- Yes, he... he is, and you can punish yourself as much as you want and that's never gonna bring him back.
Si, l'est, Et vous pouvez vous punir aussi longtemps que vous le voulez, ça ne le fera jamais revenir.
He--he is deceptively heavy!
Il... Il est vachement lourd !
He's he... he is this close to foreclosure.
Il il est ... il est aussi proche de la forclusion.
Okay, he... he is in sociology class, and that is in the Foreman Building.
Il... il est en cours de sociologie, qui a lieu au Foreman Building.
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