Translation for "have finally" to french
Have finally
Translation examples
The Hurl Scouts have finally won one.
The Hurl Scouts ont enfin gagné un match.
Looks like my years of hard work have finally paid off!
Mes durs efforts ont enfin payé. - Ça va ?
Signups for the school play have finally begun.
les inscriptions pour la pièce de théatre ont enfin commencé.
The gentlemen have finally decided to get out of bed ?
Ces messieurs ont enfin daigné sortir du lit ?
The little bear children have finally stopped yapping.
Les petits enfants ours ont enfin arrêté de japer.
The idiots have finally got it.
Ils m'ont enfin compris, ces cons-là.
Maybe the Iranians have finally gotten their act together.
Peut-être les Iraniens qui ont enfin compris comment ça marchait.
My fiancée and mother have finally found common ground.
Ma fiancée et ma mère ont enfin trouvé un but commun.
The Military Police have finally been forced into an area with Titans.
Nos hommes ont enfin réussi à pénétrer un secteur de Titans.
Those thunder bumpers have finally left the area.
Les orages ont enfin quitté la région.
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