Translation for "had purchased" to french
Had purchased
Translation examples
He came to talk table we had purchased.
Il est venu parler du tableau qu'on avait acheté.
Don had purchased the computer for his son's birthday.
Don lui avait acheté l'ordinateur pour son anniversaire.
About a year ago, I discovered he had purchased three passports from a trusted forger I use in Warsaw.
Il y a un an, j'ai découvert qu'il avait acheté trois passeports. à un faussaire de confiance, à Varsovie.
Within six months, his trust had purchased the entire town. With one exception.
En 6 mois, sa fondation avait acheté la ville tout entière... à une exception près.
After, he took her back to his house, a lovely place he had purchased from another painter years ago and which served as his home and his studio.
Ensuite, ils allèrent dans sa maison, un endroit charmant qu'il avait acheté à un autre peintre et qui faisait office à la fois de maison et d'atelier.
Yoshiyuki Takatsu: president of Takatsu trading company He once asked me to sell off the junk he had purchased by mistake.
Il me demanda une fois de vendre ce qu'il avait acheté par erreur.
It was just re-distributed into the hands of those who had gotten out just before the crash and had purchased gold, which is always a safe place to put your money just before a depression. But America's money also went overseas.
C'était juste redistribué entre les mains de ceux qui avaient sorti juste avant l'accident et avait acheté de l'or, qui est toujours un endroit sûr où placer votre argent, juste avant une dépression.
Zero Moustafa had purchased and famously inhabited some of the most lavish castles and palazzos on the continent.
Zero Moustafa avait acheté et notoirement habité les plus somptueux châteaux et palais du continent.
Officer Wood's wife had purchased him... a bulletproof vest and had it under the Christmas tree.
La femme de Wood lui avait acheté un gilet pare-balles et I'avait mis sous le sapin de Noël.
Like all good mothers, Gabrielle had purchased several top-of-the-line baby monitors.
Comme toute bonne mère, Gabrielle avait acheté plusieurs écoute-bébés haut de gamme.
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