Translation for "czecho slovaks" to french
Translation examples
(4) Similar provisions were contained in article 85 of the same Treaty, concerning the right of option for Germans habitually resident in the territories ceded to the Czecho-Slovak State or in any other territories forming part of that State as well as for Czecho-Slovaks who were German nationals and were habitually resident in Germany; Ibid., pp. 28-29.
(4) On trouve des dispositions similaires à l'article 85 du même Traité, relatif au droit d'option, accordé aux ressortissants allemands "établis sur" les territoires cédés à "l'État tchéco-slovaque" ou "sur l'un quelconque des territoires" "faisant partie" de cet État ainsi qu'aux "Tchéco-Slovaques ressortissants allemands établis en Allemagne" Ibid., p. 28 et 29.
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