Translation for "cancan" to french
Translation examples
In the global regions, reciprocal engagement and regular exchange of information will be promoted among UNEP's and UN-HABITATUN-Habitat's regional offices soin order as to identify areas where their respective strengths cancan be most complementary.
Ils devraient également participer aux forums ministériels et autres mécanismes décisionnels aux niveaux régional et sous-régional. soin order as to identify areas where their respective strengths cancan be most complementary.
The cancan is against the law.
Le cancan est interdit.
You want to dance the cancan?
Tu veux danser le cancan ?
Everyone can cancan
Qui danse Ie cancan?
A French cancan song.
Une chanson de french cancan.
Poor old cancan.
Ce serait dommage pour notre vieux cancan.
The cancan is dead.
Hein ? Mais c'est fini, le cancan...
- Do the cancan without me.
Ton cancan, tu l'feras sans moi !
-Tell him about the cancan!
- Parle-lui du cancan !
The people like the cancan.
Les gens aiment le cancan.
You like the cancan?
Ça vous plaît, le cancan ?
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