Translation for "away from his" to french
Translation examples
You want to take a kid away from his dad?
Tu veux emmener un enfant loin de son père?
pulling away his soul away from his body.
Écartant son âme loin de son corps.
When he's away from his familiar territory, I will take him.
Quand il sera loin de son territoire, je l'aurai.
That and the thought of him being taken away from his father.
Ça et la pensée qu'il soit emporté loin de son père.
Anton had left a message for me to meet him at his ice cream truck, away from his usual route.
Anton m'avait laissé un message pour que je le rejoigne à son camion, loin de son parcours habituel.
The man's away from his office for a full hour.
Il est loin de son bureau durant une heure.
Can you please get him away from his desk so I can see what he trashed?
Pouvez-vous s'il vous plaît obtenir de lui loin de son bureau afin que je puisse voir ce qu'il saccagé?
He doesn't stay away from his country and pretend to be cultured.
Il ne vit pas loin de son pays.. il est cultivé.
Away from his practice and his family.
- Loin de son cabinet et de sa famille.
Think he'll do better away from his family?
Et il ira mieux loin de sa famille ?
No. It's the puppy's first night away from his family.
C'est sa première nuit loin de sa famille.
És he unhappy to be away from his wife?
Il est malheureux d'être loin de sa femme?
Fingers away from his mouth.
- Les doigts loin de sa bouche.
He's away from his woman
Il est loin de sa femme
So far away from his girlfriend!
Si loin de sa copine !
The judge ain't stuck here away from his family.
Il n'est pas coincé ici, loin de sa famille.
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