Translation for "a store" to french
A store
Translation examples
General Stores
Stores assistant
Assistant aux magasins
Transportation, store
Transports, magasins
- Provision stores
Magasins d'approvisionnement.
Stores records
Registres des magasins
Maybe even a store.
Voire un magasin.
Not just a store.
Pas un magasin.
We're a store.
Nous sommes un magasin.
I have a store.
J'ai un magasin.
Yes, it was a store.
Oui, un magasin.
Is this a store?
C'est un magasin ?
to a store called estate antiques, a store in Toledo.
à un magasin qui s'appelle Antiquités, un magasin à Toledo.
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