Translation for "were held" to finnish
Were held
Translation examples
These were held earlier.
Nämä pidettiin aiemmin.
Memorial sessions were held in [his
Memorial pidettiin [hänen
Lots of inspiring speeches were held.
Paljon inspiroivia puheita pidettiin.
The other meetings were held in writing.
Muut kokoukset pidettiin kirjallisina.
Samples were held for six months.
Näytteitä pidettiin kuuden kuukauden ajan.
Democratic elections were held in
Egyptissä, Algeriassa ja Libyassa pidettiin demokraattiset vaalit.
First MPC tournaments were held in 2008.
Ensimmäiset MPC turnaukset pidettiin vuonna 2008.
Auditions were held in the following cities:[25
Koelauluja pidettiin seuraavissa kaupungeissa:[13
Last Wednesday city council elections were held in the Netherlands.
Viime keskiviikkona pidettiin kaupunginval
Meanwhile, safety briefings and expedition meetings were held.
Matkan aikana pidettiin kokouksia ja turvallisuusselostuksia.
Yesterday elections were held . .
Parlamenttivaalit pidettiin myöhemminmilloin?.
Services were held in private homes.
Kokoukset pidettiin yksityisasunnoissa.
May 14 – Parliamentary elections were held.
12. toukokuuta – Irakissa pidettiin parlamenttivaalit.
General elections were held in the Dominican Republic.
Vaalit pidettiin kansantasavallan alueella.
Four events were held in 1941.
Vuoden 1941 aikana pidettiin yksi juhlatilaisuus.
Church services were held until 1947.
Kirkossa pidettiin jumalanpalveluksia vuoteen 1937 asti.
Last elections were held in May 2008.
Edelliset parlamenttivaalit pidettiin toukokuussa 2008.
Two referendums were held on 4 March.
Sen puoluekokous pidettiin 4. maaliskuuta.
Auditions were held in Shanghai Concert Hall.
Levynjulkistamiskonsertti pidettiin Kauhajoen Suupohja-salissa.
The last elections were held in June 2007.
Uudet vaalit pidettiin syyskuussa 2007.
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