Translation for "rodia" to finnish
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Rogue Twelve: Andoorni Hui (Rodian female from Rodia)
Konna kaksitoista: Andoorni Hui (naispuolinen rodialainen Rodialta)
January 22, Dating an older man stripped Tina Rodia of much of her youth and self-esteem.
tammikuu 22, Treffit vanhempi mies riisuttu Tina Rodialta paljon nuoruutensa ja itsetuntoa.
Chris Rodia himself was not at Sandy Hook Elementary when the shootings took place; he was driving a different vehicle in another town at the time.
Chris Rodialta itse ei ollut Sandy Hook Elementary kun ampumista tapahtunut; hän ajoi eri ajoneuvoa toisessa kaupungissa tuolloin.
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