Translation for "phaedra's" to finnish
Translation examples
Benjamin Britten: Phaedra, Op. 93 – Dramatic cantata for mezzo-soprano and small orchestra
Benjamin Britten: Phaedra, op.93, dramaattinen kantaatti mezzosopraanolle ja pienelle orkesterille
Good examples of all these techniques can be heard on the Phaedra, Rubycon, Ricochet, and Encore albums of Tangerine Dream, as well as on Departure from the Northern Wasteland by Michael Hoenig.
Phaedraa ja sitä seuranneita albumeja Rubycon, Ricochet, Stratosfear ja Encore voidaan pitää Tangerine Dreamin pitkän uran taiteellisena huippuna (kenties Zeit -levyn ohella)lähde?.
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