Translation for "intravenous fluids" to finnish
Translation examples
Further, they also distribute Advanced Life Support Officers that were provided of 2635 of training course and are able of administering intravenous fluids and adrenaline.
Lisäksi he jakavat Advanced Life Support Officers -operaatioita, jotka tarjosivat 2635-koulutusta ja pystyvät antamaan suonensisäisiä nesteitä ja adrenaliinia.
It is important to remember that patients need immediate hospitalization.This hospital will provide full treatment of acute pancreatitis.Preparations doctor will select on the basis of diagnosis.Thus once the patient is administered pain medications and intravenous fluids to restore the water-salt balance.Unfortunately, the majority of patients there is a fairly severe form.Therefore, treatment often occurs in the intensive care unit, or ICU.After severe form can provide complications and heart, and lungs, and kidneys.
On tärkeää muistaa, että potilaat tarvitsevat välitöntä sairaalahoitoa.Tämä sairaala tarjoaa täyden akuutin haimatulehduksen.Valmistelut lääkäri valitsee perusteella diagnoosin.Siten kun potilaalle annetaan kipulääkkeiden ja suonensisäisiä nest
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