Translation for "ibw" to finnish
Translation examples
The master program International Business Administration (Master IBW) will be offered in its new structure as a
Opetus kampuksella Kokopäiväinen October 2018 Itävalta Vienna Master Ohjelma International Business Administration (Master ihannepaino) tarjotaan uudessa rakenteessa kuin monitieteinen tutkimus ohjelman talven lukukauden 2016/2017.
The master program International Business Administration (Master IBW) will be offered in its new structure as an interdisciplinary study program as of winter semester 2016/2017.
Master-ohjelma International Business Administration (Master ihannepaino) tarjotaan uudessa rakenteessa kuin monitieteinen tutkimus ohjelman talven lukukauden 2016/2017.
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