Translation for "hogarth's" to finnish
  • hogarth n
  • hogarthin
Translation examples
Look for Charlie Chaplin, William Hogarth and Sir Isaac Newton, among others.
Voit tunnistaa muun muassa Charlie Chaplinin, William Hogarthin ja Sir Isaac Newtonin.
Oscar Wilde’s dandy is re-born black, and the satirical drawings on artificial manners and social standing by William Hogarth receive a ”black” interpretation.
Oscar Wilden dandy herää uudelleen eloon mustaihoisena ja Willian Hogarthin teennäistä, sosiaalista asemaa pönkittävät satiiriset piirrokset saavat ”mustan” tulkinnan.
William Hogarth painted his portrait.
William Hogarthin maalaus Calais'n portti valmistui.
A few further fragments of sculpture were found during the 1904–1906 excavations directed by David George Hogarth.
Vuosina 1904–1906 löydettiin D. G. Hogarthin johdolla vielä lisää alueella olleita veistoksia.
"Wisemen" is a pop rock song written by British singer James Blunt, Jimmy Hogarth and Sacha Skarbek for Blunt's debut album Back to Bedlam.
Wisemen on James Bluntin, Jimmy Hogarthin ja Sacha Skarbekin sanoittama pop rock-kappale Bluntin Back to Bedlam-debyyttialbumilta.
Brave is a concept album, based on a news story Steve Hogarth heard on the radio about a girl who was taken into police custody after being found wandering the Severn Bridge.
Brave on konseptialbumi, joka perustuu laulaja Steve Hogarthin radiosta kuulemaan uutiseen, jonka mukaan Severn Bridge -sillalta harhailemasta löytynyt tyttö otettiin poliisin huostaan.
Moss, Dawson, Wai Ching Ho, Marquis Rodriguez, Tijuana Ricks, and Suzanne H. Smart reprise their roles as Jeri Hogarth, Claire Temple, Gao, Darryl, Thembi Wallace, and Shirley Benson, respectively, in the series.
Moss, Dawson, Wai Ching Ho, Marquis Rodriguez, Tijuana Ricks ja Suzanne H. Smart uusivat edellisistä sarjoista tutut Jeri Hogarthin, Claire Templen, Madame Gaon, Darrylin, Thembi Wallacen ja Shirley Bensonin roolit.
In the second season, Jon Bernthal was cast in a leading role as Frank Castle / Punisher, before headlining his own series, while Michelle Hurd and Carrie-Anne Moss reprise their roles of Samantha Reyes and Jeri Hogarth from Jessica Jones.
Toisella kaudella Jon Bernthal liittyi näyttelijäkaartiin Frank Castlen / Tuomarin roolissa, ennen omaa sarjaansa, Michelle Hurdin ja Carrie-Anne Mossin uusiessa Samantha Reyesin ja Jeri Hogarthin roolit sarjasta Jessica Jones.
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