Translation examples
1975 - Gondor destroys Angmar in the Battle of Fornost.
1975 - Gondor tuhoaa Angmarin Fornostin taistelussa, Arvendui kuolee.
Angmar took Fornost, the capital of Arthedain, and destroyed the last kingdom of the Dúnedain in the North.
Angmar valloitti Arthedainin pääkaupungin Fornostin, tuhoten Dúnedainin viimeisen kuningaskunnan.
During the final fight against Angmar at the Battle of Fornost, the Hobbits maintain that they sent a company of archers to help but this is nowhere else recorded.
Fornostin Taistelussa Angmaria vastaan hobitit lähettivät jousimieskomppanian sotaan, mutta siitä ei ole mitään merkintää.
The Hobbits obtained official permission from King Argeleb II at Norbury (Fornost) to settle the lands, which were no longer populated and were seen as the king's hunting grounds.
Hobitit saivat virallisen luvan kuningas Argeleb II:lta Fornostista, asettua maille, jotka olivat aiemmin olleet asumattomia ja vain kuninkaan metsästysmaita.
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