Translation for "cyclohexanol" to finnish
Translation examples
Up to now, the main chemical composition from incarvillea are monoterpene alkaloid, macrocyclic spermine class alkaloid, styrene acrylic gump, cyclohexanol ethanol, caffeic acid ester, amide class, flavonoids, and triterpene composition such as compound variety, novel structure.
Tähän mennessä tärkein Kemiallinen koostumus incarvillea ovat monoterpeenien alkaloidi, macrocyclic spermiini luokan alkaloidi, styreeni akryyli gump, Sykloheksanolista etanolin, caffeic happo esteri, amidi luokan, flavonoideja ja terpeenisten teos yhdiste lajike, romaanin rakenne.
Mutual investment by China petrochemical (4.690,0.04,0.86%) with independent intellectual property rights of the second generation of green technologies of caprolactam, Riverside industrial park, Xiaoshan, Hangzhou, Zhejiang with annual output of 200,000 tons of caprolactam project and 2012 production in the second quarter, primarily caprolactam, cyclohexane, cyclohexanone, cyclohexanol, ammonium sulfate, hydrogen peroxide and other chemicals.
Keskinäisen investointien Kiina petrochemical (4.690,0.04,0.86%) kanssa riippumattoman tekijänoikeuksia toisen sukupolven vihreän teknologian tuotanto-ja kaprolaktaamin seos, Riverside teollisuusalue, Xiaoshan, Hangzhou, Zhejiang vuosituotanto 200000 tonnia kaprolaktaamin seos project 2012 toisella neljänneksellä lähinnä kaprolaktaamin seos, sykloheksaanin Sykloheksanooni, Sykloheksanolista, ammoniumsulfaatti, vetyperoksidia ja muita kemikaaleja.
CDC - NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards Lucrecia Márquez-Rosado, Cristina Trejo-Solís 2, María del Pilar Cabrales-Romero, Evelia Arce-Popoca, Adolfo Sierra-Santoyo, Leticia Alemán-Lazarini, Samia Fatel-Fazenda, Claudia E. Carrasco-Legleu, Saúl Villa-Treviño, "Co-carcinogenic effect of cyclohexanol on the development of preneoplastic lesions in a rat hepatocarcinogenesis model", Molecular Carcinogenesis, Vol.
Kirja Googlen teoshaussa (viitattu 13.11.2010). (englanniksi) Sykloheksanolin kansainvälinen kemikaalikortti Viitattu 13.11.2010 Lucrecia Márquez-Rosado, Cristina Trejo-Solís, María del Pilar Cabrales-Romero, Evelia Arce-Popoca, Adolfo Sierra-Santoyo, Leticia Alemán-Lazarini, Samia Fatel-Fazenda, Claudia E. Carrasco-Legleu, Saúl Villa-Treviño: Co-carcinogenic effect of cyclohexanol on the development of preneoplastic lesions in a rat hepatocarcinogenesis model.
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