Translation for "crushing it" to finnish
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When the choice is made, proceed to the glass cutting.In fact, the process is very easy and simple and if there is at least a modicum of knowledge and skills can cope for a few seconds.Glass must be evenly put on the table or any similar object, and then just walk through the glass cutter target marker bit crushing it against the glass.If the glass is not dorezalos, do not worry, just break it (the structure is already broken a lot of work and it will not be).If you need to cut a few sides, just repeat the action.Well, that's all, and now you know how to cut glass glass cutter and, accordingly, are fully prepared to do so.If you need more information about how to cut glass, a video posted on the page will help you to understand this problem in more detail.
Kun valinta on tehty, jatka lasin leikkaus.Itse prosessi on erittäin helppoa ja yksinkertaista, ja jos on olemassa ainakin hiukkasen tietoja ja taitoja voi selviytyä muutaman sekunnin.Lasi on tasaisesti pöydälle tai vastaavalla esineellä ja sitten vain kävellä läpi lasileikkuri merkkiaineen vähän murskaamalla se lasia vasten.Jos lasi ei ole dorezalos, älä huoli, vain rikkoa sitä (r
Apple Crunch - Warning, apples are attacking!Help Androids by crushing its and save human race from becoming sheeps!
Apple Crunch - Varoitus, omenat hyökkäävät!Apua Androids murskaamalla sen ja pelastaa ihmiskunta tulee lampaan!
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